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Academy of Aerospace Quality By Invitation to Speak on CubeSats

Renee Mitchell, President

VENUE: Huntsville, Alabama

DATE: Friday, October 13, 2017

By special invitation from the AAQ (Academy of Aerospace Quality), Bob Vermillion, SME Electrostatics, will speak on CubeSats before an audience of academics, students, commercial space service providers involved in aerospace research, technology development, payload design and development.

In a partnership agreement with NASA, Auburn University provides training modules for all aspects of Quality Assurance to ensure project success.

This year's event will be held on or near the Marshall Space Flight Center (soon to be announced) with featured speakers for talks on SmallSats, CubeSats, balloons, rockets and other exciting frontier developmental projects. Poster sessions will also be included as part of this annual event.

Stay tuned for the Venue update as we get closer to the Event. For more information on RMV professional engineering services, please contact Renee at 650-964-4792 or email

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