3-Day Virtual and Interactive
iNARTE® Space & Defense Certified ESD Program Monitor™
This course was designed and developed by RMV (the Originator of 2021 NASA HQ Award Winning Hands-On ESD Training) for NASA civil servants, DoD and support contractors for Space & Defense. Multiple sessions over 3 days will include videos, live demos and experiments from the RMV Lab at NASA Ames Research Center for interactive engagement. Learn how to verify Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Do No Harm R&D safe workstations, how to prepare for a QAAR Audit, internal NASA SMA assessments, how to conduct periodic verification measurements and corrective actions to remedy non-compliant ESD materials, packaging or products in the ESD Protective Area (EPA).
ESD procedures for compliance will be discussed plus demos in support of NASA-STD-8739.6B, Section 7 (ANSI/ESD S20.20), including surface resistance materials and flooring verification, Resistance to a Groundable Point for ESD workstations, wrist straps, ionization verification, grounding, garments, gloves, soldering irons, footwear and seating.
This VIRTUAL Hands-On class is intended for Space & Defense civil servants and contractors. Traceability to the NEW NASA-8739.6B-Section 7 and related standards for extreme environments (ANSI/ESD S20.20, MIL-STDs. 129, 2073) is covered throughout the 3-day course. Hands-On exam and written exam for iNARTE® Certification will follow on the 3rd day. Training materials are provided through the RMV licensed and “whitelisted” software portal for online and offline viewing.