Some ASTM ESD Test Methods for Anti-Static, Conductive and Static Dissipative Materials, Products & Equipment
Standard Test Method for Volume and Surface Resistivity of Electrically insulating materials
ASTM D5264-78
Standard Practice for Abrasion Resistance of Printed Materials by the Sutherland Rub Tester
ASTM E1549 - 06
ESD Control Garments
ASTM D1894
Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting
ASTM F1812 - 15
ASTM F1812 - 15 Standard Test Method
volume Resistivity of Rubber for use in electrically conductive and antistatic products.
ASTM D4470 - 18
Standard Electrification (Tribo-electrification, a/k/a tribo charge) and what occurs with two dissimilar materials when contacted and separated.
Standard Test Method for Conductive and Static Dissipative Resilient Flooring
FTMS 101C Method 4046: (Electrostatic Decay)
Electrostatic Decay Measurement of flexible packaging materials
ASTM D1425/D1425M
Standard Test Method for Evenness of Textile Strands Using Capacitance Testing Equipment